
The command line interface can be useful for method discovery and testing purposes. It currently has two subcommands: list, which shows a list of available methods and call for calling methods. For more information, use the -h option.

$ simple_rpc -h


Please note that the initialisation procedure has a built in two second delay which can be modified with the -w parameter. For each invocation of list or call, the device is reset and reinitialised, so using the command line interface for time critical or high speed applications is not advised. For these types of applications, the Library should be used directly instead.


To detect serial devices, we recommend using the arduino-cli toolkit.

$ arduino-cli board list
Port         Type              Board Name                FQBN             Core
/dev/ttyACM0 Serial Port (USB) Arduino Mega or Mega 2560 arduino:avr:mega arduino:avr

This command will not detect any devices connected via ethernet or WiFi. Use a URL (e.g., socket:// instead.

Method discovery

When the device is known, the list subcommand can be used to retrieve all available methods.

$ simple_rpc list /dev/ttyACM0

Alternatively, for ethernet and WiFi devices.

$ simple_rpc list socket://

If the Arduino has exposed the functions inc and set_led like in the example given in the device library documentation, the list subcommand will show the following.

inc a
    Increment a value.

    int a: Value.

    returns int: a + 1.

set_led brightness
    Set LED brightness.

    int brightness: Brightness.

Calling a method

Any of the methods can be called by using the call subcommand.

$ simple_rpc call /dev/ttyACM0 inc 1

Alternatively, for ethernet or WiFi devices.

$ simple_rpc call socket:// inc 1

Please see the list of handlers for a full description of the supported interface types.

Complex objects

Complex objects are passed on the command line interface as a JSON string. Binary encoding and decoding is taken care of by the CLI. The following example makes use of the demo sketch in the device examples.

$ simple_rpc call /dev/ttyACM0 vector '[1, 2, 3, 4]'
[1.40, 2.40, 3.40, 4.40]

$ simple_rpc call /dev/ttyACM0 object '["a", [10, "b"]]'
["b", [11, "c"]]

Low throughput networks

When working with low throughput networks (e.g., LoRa), device initialisation can take a long time. To counteract this problem, it is possible to save the interface definition to a file, which can subsequently be used to initialise the interface without having to query the device.

An interface definition can be saved to a file using the -s option of the list subcommand.

$ simple_rpc list -s interface.yml /dev/ttyACM0

A saved interface definition can be loaded to skip the initialisation procedure by using the -l option of the call subcommand.

$ simple_rpc call -l interface.yml /dev/ttyACM0 inc 1