Command Line Interface

Arduino simpleRPC API client library and CLI.

usage: simple_rpc [-h] [-v] {list,call} ...

Positional Arguments

subcommand Possible choices: list, call

Named Arguments

-v show program’s version number and exit



List the device methods.

simple_rpc list [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-b BAUDRATE] [-w WAIT] [-s SAVE] DEVICE

Positional Arguments

DEVICE device

Named Arguments


output file

Default: -


baud rate

Default: 9600


time before communication starts

Default: 2

-s interface definition file


Execute a method.

simple_rpc call [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-b BAUDRATE] [-w WAIT] [-l LOAD]
                DEVICE NAME [ARG [ARG ...]]

Positional Arguments

DEVICE device
NAME command name
ARG command parameter

Named Arguments


output file

Default: -


baud rate

Default: 9600


time before communication starts

Default: 2

-l interface definition file

Copyright (c) Jeroen F.J. Laros <>